Crave Eats
Midway Hills Christian Church 11001 Midway Road, Dallas, TX, United Stateskitchen use
kitchen use
kitchen use
choir room, sanctuary, gathering area, community hall/kitchen, main office
The speaker will be Rev. Daniel Guzman, Pastor of Iglesia Mision La Roca, reporting on the Men's Mission Project at his church in South Dallas.
NPPD is a special event at White Rock Lake to communicate to adults and children the value of native plants and prairies. The day will include plant walks, speakers, information booths, and activities for kids. This event is hosted by Robin Swindle’s Master Naturalist chapter and promises to be a fun time for all ages.
The North Texas Area Assembly will be Sunday, May 7, at 3:00 p.m. at First Christian Church in Plano. We hope everyone will be able to attend. Our guest preacher will be Rev. Hector Velazquez from Houston, TX. He was formerly at Rosemont Christian Center in Dallas. We will have a special guest musician, David […]
Sanctuary reserved.